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Progress notes are the backbone of effective care delivery in disability and aged care settings. These documents, created by support workers or nursing staff, are a vital record of clients’ journey towards their goals and provide crucial information about their status and achievements. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about progress notes – from their importance and components to best practices for writing them and utilising NDIS software to streamline the process.

What is the purpose of care notes and progress notes?

Progress notes play an important role in disability and aged care, serving a range of purposes for each individual client.

Documentation of care delivery

Progress notes serve as proof of service delivery, documenting client support. They are a legal record of the care received by clients and can be used in audits, investigations and proceedings.

Reflection of client progress

Progress notes track clients’ movement towards their goals as outlined in their care plans. By recording changes in condition, behaviour, and achievements, progress notes provide a clear picture of a client’s progress over time.

Communication tool

Progress notes facilitate communication between care team members, ensuring all stakeholders are informed about a client’s status, needs and preferences. They also serve as a means of communication with clients and their families, fostering transparency and trust.

Legal compliance and accountability

Progress notes help ensure compliance with legal and regulatory standards, such as those set by the NDIS. They also provide accountability for service delivery and care plan adherence.

Client-centred care

By involving clients and their families in the progress note process, care becomes more personalised and tailored to individual needs and preferences. This fosters empowerment, trust and collaboration in care delivery.

What must be included in a progress note?

Writing effective progress notes requires attention to detail and adherence to certain guidelines. The key components of progress notes include:

Client information

Include the client’s name and relevant identifiers to ensure clarity and accuracy.

Date and time

Record the date and time of each entry to provide a chronological record of events and interventions.

Details of support provided

Document the type of support delivered, including activities, interventions and any changes to the care plan.

Objective observations

Record objective observations of the client’s condition, behaviour, and responses to interventions, avoiding subjective interpretations or opinions.

Incident reporting

Report any incidents, injuries or concerns according to organisational protocols and regulatory requirements, including details of witnesses and any follow-up actions taken.

Client goals and progress

Where relevant, link case notes to the client’s goals and strategies as outlined in their care plan, documenting progress towards these goals and any barriers or challenges encountered along the way.

How do you write progress notes in a care plan?

To ensure the accuracy, effectiveness and legal compliance of your progress notes, follow these best practices:


Record progress notes in a timely manner, preferably at the end of each shift or client interaction. This ensures that information is fresh and accurate.

Accuracy and objectivity

Write progress notes objectively, focusing on factual information rather than opinions or assumptions. Use the active voice to ensure all key information is included.

Completeness and detail

Provide sufficient detail in progress notes to convey the full context of client interactions and interventions. Include relevant observations and outcomes.

Clarity and readability

Use clear and concise language in progress notes to ensure all stakeholders can easily understand them. Avoid jargon or technical terminology that may be unfamiliar to some readers.

Legal compliance

Ensure that progress notes comply with legal and regulatory requirements, such as confidentiality, privacy, and documentation standards. Follow organizational policies and procedures regarding incident reporting.

Regular review

Periodically review progress notes and update care plans or interventions based on new information or changing needs.

What is an example of a progress note for a support worker?

Here are some progress notes examples to guide you in writing them clearly, concisely, and with all the relevant information.

Scenario 1


Mrs Johnson was observed seeming upset today.


At 12.30 pm, [Name] noticed that Mrs Johnson was crying at the lunch table and pushing food around on her plate. [Name] asked her how she was feeling, and Mrs Johnson said she didn’t like her chicken and rice. [Name] offered her pasta instead, which she ate.

Scenario 2


Mr Lee seemed confused this morning.


At 9.00 am, Mr Lee was repeatedly asking [Name] where his room was and appeared disoriented. After [Name] showed him to his room, he seemed to settle down.

Scenario 3


Ms Smith refused to take her medication.


At 2.30 pm, Ms Smith refused to swallow her medication and spat it out immediately. [Name] was unable to convince her to take it.

Scenario 4


Mr Jones had a fall.


At 11.30 am, Mr Jones had a fall in the kitchen. [Name] looked for any signs of injury and asked him if he was in pain. He did not report any pain and appeared uninjured.

How do you write case notes for NDIS using software?

The best way to simplify preparing and storing your case notes is by using dedicated NDIS and aged care software. At MYP, we specialise in streamlining your operations and ensuring everything is managed in a smooth and sustainable way. Here’s how MYP can improve your business’ documentation process:

Real-time updates

MYP allows caregivers to record and access progress notes in real-time, ensuring that information is always up-to-date and accessible to all authorised users.

Secure storage

MYP ensures that progress notes are stored securely and compliant with legal requirements for data protection and confidentiality.

Ease of use

With intuitive interfaces and user-friendly design, MYP makes it easy for support workers to record and submit progress notes efficiently, as well as keep them organised.

Interdisciplinary communication

MYP’s system facilitates seamless communication and collaboration between care team members, enabling them to share information, updates and insights and ensuring continuity of care and coordinated support for clients.

Audit trail

Another key benefit of preparing and storing progress notes with cloud-based software is the ability to track all entries over time to ensure accountability and transparency. MYP’s inbuilt audit trail is valuable for quality assurance, regulatory compliance and incident investigation purposes.

Streamlining your progress note process

Progress notes are an essential tool for documenting, communicating and evaluating client care in disability and aged care settings. By following best practices for writing progress notes and utilising software like MYP to streamline the process, nurses and support workers can ensure accuracy, compliance and client-centred care delivery. With effective documentation and communication, MYP simplifies the well-being, independence and quality of life of clients receiving disability and aged care services. Contact our team today for a complimentary demo, and see how MYP can improve how you run your disability or aged care business.

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