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MYP works hand in hand with our community clients in ensuring the driving purpose of the platform is responsive to changes in the sector, forward thinking in regards to managing compliance and innovative and creative in the development of the platform in a way that continuously aligns ourselves with the ever-changing needs of the community sector. It is this approach that makes MYP leaders and innovators in the sector

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Our core purpose is to positively change the lives of people within the community sector, by giving them back time, control and choice.

Recently Released

Predictive Leave

New way to comply with SCHADS Leave Loading regarding what would have been worked. Leave applications now reference published and unpublished shifts on rosters to predict what hours the staff member would have worked had they not taken leave.

Employment Hero Payroll

Employment Hero settings within Pocketwatch to manage the relationships between Rosters, Shifts and Timesheets in MYP and Locations and Work Types in Employment Hero. Timesheet Export that breaks down shifts and leave into Employment Hero-specific time blocks for processing.

New UI/UX – Release the Awesomeness

Updating the key icons and look and feel of the MYP platform to provide a more universal user experience for new and existing users.

In Home Aged Care (HCP)

Subscribers now have the ability to manage their Home Care Package clients funding, rostering and claims seamlessly within the MYP Platform.

Ad Hoc Transport recording

Frontline staff are now able to record and manage all in activity transport against each individual participant and roster allowing subscribers to maximise and manage their transport claims.

In Progess

iinduct On Demand Learning

A self administered online training platform for frontline, management and administration staff working in the NDIS and Aged Care sectors ensuring your staff are able to maintain key skills in delivering high quality services as well as manage your quality compliance requirements.

Employment Hero Integration

Upgrading our existing flatfile integration between Employment Hero and MYP to an automated API integration. This will be completed and released in in three stages – Leave, Timesheets and Employee Detail management.

Ad Hoc Transport Claiming Solution

Automating the claiming of the Ad Hoc Transport records directly through to the NDIA and Plan Managers.

In Home Aged Care (CHSP and DEX)

Giving In Home Aged Care subscribers the ability to manage their CHSP client’s service allocations, rostering and DEX reports seamlessly within the MYP Platform.

SSO Expansion

Providing subscribers with a robust, secure and flexible SSO offering across their ICT systems. Including Windows Azure Active Directory.

MYOB Timesheet Upgrade

Upgrading the integration between MYP Timesheets and MYOB to meet the changing needs of subscribers who utilise MYOB as their payroll system.

For the Future

SIL Dashboard

Providing NDIS SIL providers with critical analysis of their SIL sites for them to better understand the financial and rostering performance of their sites as well as manage their corporate overheads leading to greater financial sustainability of their services.

iinduct and MYP integration

Integrating staff management, comply and track features between the MYP and iinduct products. Allow comply and train features to talk directly to mandatory and optional attributes of the MYP Roster platform.

Using AI to provide Business Intelligence

Provide critical summaries and insights into the rich data sources contained within the MYP Platform. Initially summarize and provide insights into participants shift notes and goals to better understand what is and is not working concerning participant outcomes.


The focus for the MYP Roadmap is to improve the user experience by making the complexity of the community sector simple and easy to use for the staff who deliver the service, provide critical information in a format that services can make critical and timely business decisions whilst at the same time ensuring the platform remains stable and reliable through the use of the most effective and innovative technology available


MYP’s roadmap centres on three key initiatives. Firstly, to deliver on the reliability and structure of all of the key processes you rely on each day within the system. Secondly, to continue to make the complexity of the NDIS and Aged Care sectors simple to use for all MYP subscribers and finally, to continue to meet the ever-changing needs of the sector requirements and compliance functions through selectively deepening the platform in areas that will add the most value to your organisation, your staff and your participants.