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NDIS SIL roster of care: What SIL providers need to know

As an NDIS provider, understanding Supported Independent Living (SIL) in NDIS plans is just the first step in supporting participants towards independent living. Providers must also master SIL roster of care submissions to seek or revise funding for participants, using the NDIA’s templates and tools to outline their support needs. Read on to learn everything NDIS providers need to know about the SIL roster of care.

What is a SIL roster of care in the NDIS?

A SIL roster of care in the NDIS is a detailed schedule outlining the specific support and services provided to individuals with disabilities who require assistance to live independently. The roster of care submission consists of the SIL roster of care tool and the SIL roster of care template. The NDIA uses this roster of care, alongside the other information detailed in the supported independent living operational guideline, to determine the appropriate level of SIL funding for an NDIS participant.

Rosters are tailored to align with each participant’s unique needs and preferences, ensuring they receive personalised care. They include information on daily routines, support activities and the roles and responsibilities of the care staff. By organising these elements into a structured plan, the SIL roster of care promotes consistency, quality and compliance with NDIS standards, ultimately enhancing the well-being and autonomy of participants. 

When is a SIL roster of care required?

A NDIS SIL roster of care is required in specific situations to ensure that participants receive the appropriate level of support. Firstly, it is needed as part of the supporting information for a participant’s initial plan with SIL, helping to outline the necessary services and resources from the outset. Secondly, a roster of care is essential if a participant experiences a change in circumstances that necessitates an adjustment in their support needs, which cannot be accommodated within their existing funding. In the absence of these conditions, NDIS providers don’t need to provide a roster of care.

Key elements of a SIL roster of care

Key elements of SIL roster of care submissions include:

  • Participant information: Detailed demographic data and participant background.
  • Support needs assessment: Comprehensive evaluation of daily living requirements and support levels, including participant support needs level (low/standard/high).
  • Participant price level: The rate as per the NDIS Price Guide, categorised as either standard or higher intensity. Most participants typically use standard intensity rates.
  • Goals and outcomes: Clear objectives for participant independence and quality of life improvements.
  • Staffing and support ratios: Staffing requirements aligned with participant needs.

Types of SIL supports

  • High intensity supports: Needed for participants requiring frequent assistance with challenging behaviours or specific high intensity skills. Providers must include recent reports or assessments from independent service providers to support these needs.
  • Overnight supports: Funded based on the level of awake support required during overnight hours. Sleepover support covers up to two hours of support, while active overnight support involves awake support throughout the night due to the participant’s disability.
  • Irregular SIL supports: Separate funding in plans for unexpected situations like illness or cancellations of day programs. Guidelines specify the number of days typically funded for irregular supports

How to complete a SIL roster of care

Creating an effective SIL roster of care involves a structured approach to meeting participants’ support needs while adhering to NDIS guidelines:

  1. Initial assessment and planning: Conduct a detailed assessment of each participant’s support requirements and goals in consultation with them and their representatives. This forms the foundation for designing the roster of care.
  2. Completing the SIL roster of care template: Use the NDIS SIL roster of care template provided by the NDIA to outline individual and shared supports. Customise the template to include relevant details specific to each participant and their household.
  3. Filling in the SIL roster of care tool: Use the SIL roster of care tool, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet provided by the NDIA, to detail weekly breakdowns of support hours, community participation and other relevant activities. This tool helps in calculating support ratios and provides an overview that aids the NDIA in assessing the reasonableness and necessity of each participant’s support plan.

Importance of accurate SIL roster of care submissions

Completing SIL roster of care submissions effectively is crucial for NDIS providers and participants, ensuring:

  • Accurate funding allocation: Detailed and accurate submissions ensure that participants receive the appropriate level of funding to meet their unique support needs. This helps avoid underfunding, which can compromise the quality of care provided.
  • Enhanced participant support: Well-prepared submissions reflect a thorough understanding of each participant’s needs, goals, and daily routines. This leads to tailored support plans that enhance the participant’s independence and quality of life.
  • Compliance and accountability: Effective submissions demonstrate compliance with NDIA guidelines and standards. This helps providers maintain their accreditation and builds trust with participants, their families, and regulatory bodies.
  • Operational efficiency: A clear and comprehensive roster of care facilitates smoother operations. It helps in efficient resource allocation, optimal staffing, and reducing administrative burdens, allowing providers to focus more on direct participant care.
  • Transparency and communication: Thoroughly completed submissions foster better communication between providers, participants and their families. It ensures everyone is on the same page regarding the support being provided and any adjustments needed.

Enhancing SIL roster of care with MYP’s NDIS software

Creating and managing a SIL roster of care is crucial for ensuring participants receive the right support to live independently. The complexities of administration, compliance and real-time data management can be overwhelming. This is where MYP’s NDIS and care management software comes in, offering an integrated solution to streamline these processes and allow providers to focus on delivering high-quality care.

By leveraging MYP’s NDIS SIL features, providers benefit from:

  • SIL Dashboard:  offers a comprehensive view of your business operations, integrating several key features to enhance efficiency, optimise rostering and prioritis impactful changes across your business
  • Integrated rostering: Simplify the creation and management of roster templates and shift outcomes, including support ratio management.
  • Real-time data access: Access participant budgets, schedules and support data in real-time for accurate and up-to-date roster planning.
  • Comprehensive record keeping: Securely store participant data, track interactions and maintain detailed records of all support activities.
  • Task and checklist integration: Use digital forms and task checklists to ensure continuity and accessibility of previous shift information.
  • Participant engagement: Provide participants and their families access to a client portal for viewing goals, budgets and rosters, along with automated budget reports and notifications.

Mastering the intricacies of NDIS SIL roster of care is crucial for providers aiming to support participants effectively. At MYP, our NDIS software simplifies rostering, compliance and reporting, empowering you to deliver exceptional support. Book a demo today to take the next step towards efficiency and excellence in SIL roster of care management.

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